Wouter Barendrecht
Amsterdam, 5 november 1965 - Bangkok, 5 april 2009
Deeply saddened we confirm that Fortissimo's company founder and co-chairman Wouter Barendrecht suddenly died on Sunday April 5 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Wouter's passing has shocked his family, his friends and colleagues around the globe.
His passion for cinema, his vision, his energy and his witty humor will be extremely missed by all of us.
On this Memorial website you can share your thoughts and memories with us.
The Fortissimo Family
Contactperson: | Chris Paton |
chris.paton@fortissimofilms.com |
Click here for English press release
Click here for Dutch press release
Memorial services
On Wednesday May 13, during the Filmfestival in Cannes we will celebrate Wouter's life and achievements. For more information about the event, please contact info@fortissimo.nl. Please respect the nature of the event.
Venue: | Plage des Palmes |
Time: | 3-4 pm |
To honour Wouter's memory, a foundation has been established. The goal of the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation will be to support one of Wouter's key missions and goals during his career and that was to encourage the work of talented young filmmakers. This will be accomplished with award grants to be given out on a yearly basis at festivals that Wouter supported and/or worked at or with during his life.
While Wouter loved flowers, we would ask that if you want to honour him, a contribution to the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation would be more appreciated and long lasting.
With the support of Fintage, two depository accounts for the Foundation have been established today; the details of which are listed below:
Account holder: | Fintage CAM BV |
Reference: | Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation |
Account number: | NL38 FTSB 0241 490677 |
Bank: | Fortis Bank Nederland N.V. Blaak 555 3011 GB Rotterdam The Netherlands |
Bic Code: | FTSBNL2R |
Account Name: | Fintage Collection Account Management B.V. |
Reference: | Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation |
Account number: | 368-0-066881-9 |
CA Bank: | Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (003) 4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong |
Swift Code: | SCBLHKHHXXX |
Bruno Barde, Jérôme Lasserre, Alexis Delage-Toriel et toute l'équipe du Public Système Cinéma demandent la mémoire éternelle pour Wouter, homme de talent et d'excellence, contributeur hors pair de l'art cinématographique.
Margrit Staerk
Wouter always reminded me, to kiss 3 times (for hello and goodbye) and waited for the third kiss, when I forgot it. It's not like the french, he explained, they kiss only 2 times. We (the dutch, I assume) do three! Dear Wouter - 3 kisses Goodbye - wherever you are - yours, Margrit.
Laura Kim
I don't know what to say - I read these messages and while you always made me feel like part of a very small close family, I know you were loved around the world, and its no wonder. I will always remember your beautiful smile, infectious laugh, and your generosity of spirit. We will miss you terribly.
Winnie Tsang
Dearest Wouter, It's so hard for me to write this. It has been almost 20 years. I can't believe that the last photo we took was at a Filmart party at W Hotel. You said W for Wouter and Winnie and then came Ah Suk William. 3 Ws and 3 scorpios. I'll never forget your cheerful smile. You are so unique, so true, so passionate, so caring, so generous...Not only have you changed the Asian cinema but also changed our lives. I am sure you'll remain a happy soul in Heaven. We all love you.
Martijn te Pas
... no way one can keep up with you - nor with reading the geat number of impressive responses to your death. Just would like to says thanks for your wisdom, dedication. inspiration and fine sense of humor during IDFA 2008 where you were a fantastic juror of the IDFA Joris Ivens Competition...
Linda Saetre
Dear friends at Fortissimo, My deepest sympathy with you all. To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. ~Thomas Campbell, "Hallowed Ground" Much love, Linda Saetre
Medusa Film
We at Medusa Film are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic loss of Wouter Brendrecht. Our thoughts are with Wouter's family, friends and colleagues, wishing them strength and solace. The film world was lucky to have a man of such passion and enthusiasm and will be a sadder place without him. Giampaolo Letta and Faruk Alatan
George Ayoub
It is sad when people so young and so full of enthusiasm and positive energy are lost. May his survivors live with his optimism, wit and smiles. A bientot Wouter.
Clare Stewart
Fortissimo's relationship with the Sydney Film Festival is long-standing and the Board and SFF Team extend sincere condolances to MJW and all at Fortissimo. Like so many others, including a swathe of Australian filmmakers and distributors, I feel privileged to have been backed by Wouter and to have experienced his friendship. It is Wouter's capacity for personal commitment that I adore, his drive to reach out and endorse things, to use his own considerable expertise and power to help others achieve great results. So bloody generous. I feel lucky to have spent time with him in Hong Kong just days before his untimely death, and to have shared my last Thai meal with him in inimitable form and in the company of dear friends Nansun, Chris, Barbara, Fred and Giovanna.
dirk de Lille
DE dood van Wouter hangt als een donker kleed boven deze week... op alle sites overheerst dat gevoel van verdriet en gemis. In Amsterdam regent het momenteel heel hard en is het grauw en grijs... Te laat hebben we misschien beseft hoe warm,aimabel en uniek Wouter was.. Wat was het een immens genoegen om na de plastieken en ongemeende platitudes van de sales ladies van de US Sales Agents in de Majestic de krakkemikkige , nooit werkende lift in The Grand te nemen en het Fortissimo Fort te bezoeken : een weldaad ! We hadden altijd de neiging om te blijven hangen op het terras met een Senseootje en ons te koesteren , ver weg van de Shark Tanks , bij de warme aura-gloed van de Fortissimo Crew. Wouter en Michael hebben zich altijd omringd met mensen die mooi , liefdevol en warmhartig zijn, precies zoals zij zijn . Precies zoals hij was. Het is nog steeds onwezenlijk om de verleden tijd te gebruiken.
Steve Jenkins
Unique and irreplaceable, both professionally and personally. A lovely man who will be so missed. Sincere condolences to Wouter's family, friends and colleagues.
Milada Rybarova
Dear Wouter - it is so unconceivable you are gone! Whenever I think of you (which happens all the time these sad days) I can always see your smiling face. I have deeply valued all your artistic and business smarts but most of all I adored your ability to let everyone feel interesting and equal. You have made many people happy just by talking to them. It was a big honor to have known you. I hope you are doing great wherever you are...
Jan Temmerman
I don't believe in God. But... if there is one, he'd better make some space and time for good independent cinema up there in heaven! There is no other excuse for making Wouter leave the party so soon! My deepest condolences to his family and everyone at Fortissimo.
Pan Nalin
why the good guys go early? From very first meeting at Rotterdam where Wouter presented my first feature to my recent meeting with Wouter, in Hong Kong, was such a pleasure -like it always is. Over many years our paths cross at crowded parties or housefull palaces across the globe. Wouter's honest smile enlightened many festivals. He was a light of Asia and will always be there illuminating. For long long time, He will be much missed.
Amir Esfandiari & International Affairs Team of Farabi Cinema Foundation
Deeply sorry to hear of the sad and shocking news of Wouter's tragic and untimely death that left us all distressed and sorrowful. Undoubtedly his passing is a great loss for his family,friends and of course the world of cinema. Our sincere condolence and deepest sympathy to all our friends at Fortissimo.We will always remember him with his great personality and his endless passion for Cinema.Peace Be Upon Him.
Mirsad Purivatra
We are shocked and deeply saddened by the untimely departure of our dear friend. Wouter's support to the independent voices of international cinema and his vision and contribution to the development of film industry worldwide was and remains an inspiration to us all. He will be greatly missed. Sarajevo Film Festival
Noël Goldstoff - de Rooij
I was shocked and saddened by this news! I have known Wouter as a passionate man with a witty sense of humour. But also serious about his work. He was such a personality. When I think of him I think of the numerous times he came into the Amsterdam office. You could feel he was in, he created a great atmosphere and got us all focused on doing our work professionally. He spread his passion around so to say. He was not finished with his work and his life... But his memory will certainly stay alive. I wish all my former colleagues at Fortissimo, his dear friends and his parents and family a lot of strength to deal with this sudden loss.
Antonia Nava
I have been like everyone else that has met him, deeply sad this week. Someone so cheerful, nice, full of energy and smart as much in business as a person, has left us all so soon.... His contribution to filmmaking has been on the least, essencial, and we will never forget him, wherever we are and wherever one of his movies is. May his movies and projects continue with the help of all of us in this industry. Antonia Nava
Jean Lefebvre
In a crowd, a mob, a party or just one on one, Wouter always gave you the feeling he was talking and listening to YOU. He gave the same warm, individual attention and respect to new films and filmmakers. No wonder, then, that we, of the frenetic world of cinema, already miss him so much.
Matthijs van Heijningen & Guurtje Buddenberg are mourning with Wouter's family and friends. For one of our films For a Lost Soldier he has meant a lot for it's international success. That he suddenly died exactly as old as Matthijs van Heijningen Junior is incomprehensible. We will cherish the memories of the many inspiring meetings with Wouter in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cannes.
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