Wouter Barendrecht
Amsterdam, 5 november 1965 - Bangkok, 5 april 2009
Deeply saddened we confirm that Fortissimo's company founder and co-chairman Wouter Barendrecht suddenly died on Sunday April 5 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Wouter's passing has shocked his family, his friends and colleagues around the globe.
His passion for cinema, his vision, his energy and his witty humor will be extremely missed by all of us.
On this Memorial website you can share your thoughts and memories with us.
The Fortissimo Family
Contactperson: | Chris Paton |
chris.paton@fortissimofilms.com |
Click here for English press release
Click here for Dutch press release
Memorial services
On Wednesday May 13, during the Filmfestival in Cannes we will celebrate Wouter's life and achievements. For more information about the event, please contact info@fortissimo.nl. Please respect the nature of the event.
Venue: | Plage des Palmes |
Time: | 3-4 pm |
To honour Wouter's memory, a foundation has been established. The goal of the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation will be to support one of Wouter's key missions and goals during his career and that was to encourage the work of talented young filmmakers. This will be accomplished with award grants to be given out on a yearly basis at festivals that Wouter supported and/or worked at or with during his life.
While Wouter loved flowers, we would ask that if you want to honour him, a contribution to the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation would be more appreciated and long lasting.
With the support of Fintage, two depository accounts for the Foundation have been established today; the details of which are listed below:
Account holder: | Fintage CAM BV |
Reference: | Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation |
Account number: | NL38 FTSB 0241 490677 |
Bank: | Fortis Bank Nederland N.V. Blaak 555 3011 GB Rotterdam The Netherlands |
Bic Code: | FTSBNL2R |
Account Name: | Fintage Collection Account Management B.V. |
Reference: | Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation |
Account number: | 368-0-066881-9 |
CA Bank: | Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (003) 4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong |
Swift Code: | SCBLHKHHXXX |
Dear Wouter, your smile, persona and wit is before me and make me cry because I know you are gone and I don't want to accept it. I will miss you. Michael, Nicole, Chris, Nelleke and all the Fortissimo team, I think of you.
Scott Macaulay
Wouter's taste, intelligence, warmth, style, and just the way he dynamically bounded into a room -- to me he was the model of just what someone in his position should be. I first met him in the mid-'90s at the Rotterdam CineMart and never fully understood how he always knew so much about what was happening at just that moment in film and also how he could make his work so wonderfully personal. RIP, Wouter.
Tellos Filis Seven Films Greece
So much I gazed on beauty, that my vision is replete with it. Contours of the body. Red lips. Voluptuous limbs. Hair as if taken from greek statues; always beautiful, even when uncombed, and it falls, slightly, over white foreheads. Faces of love, as my poetry wanted them.... in the nights of my youth, in my nights, secretly, met.... (poem by Constantine P. Cavafy (1917)
Tiziana Finzi
Is a very sad moment for all the friends and professional people that thanks to HIS great job and amazing mood to discovering the best of contemporary cinema all over the world, appreciated and knew great talents. I'm touched by this event, and that only think that I hope is that is spirit is flying in Asian zen way like was his life since ever. Ciao, dear Wouter, Tiziana
Daan Gielis
Dear Wouter, thank you for all the great times we've had! For teaching me everything about films, the business but most of all; out of the box thinking, respect, being open and have guts. I will miss your jokes and your energy and most of all: You! X Daan
charlotte mickie
I might not have thought consciously of Wouter every day, but he was always in my mind making me feel better about this business. And when we did actually see each other, how great was that? With his three kisses and lovely smile? His generosity and warmth made me joyous. And he was so articulate and passionate! I am going to miss him terribly, but as Noah said, he is a shining example and I'll keep that in my heart and always try to follow the Wouter path... The Foundation is a great idea and something Wouter would have loved.
Tellos Filis Seven Films Greece
So much I gazed on beauty, that my vision is replete with it. Contours of the body. Red lips. Voluptuous limbs. Hair as if taken from greek statues; always beautiful, even when uncombed, and it falls, slightly, over white foreheads. Faces of love, as my poetry wanted them.... in the nights of my youth, in my nights, secretly, met.... (poem by Constantine P. Cavafy (1917)
K Chan
Francisco Feitosa
Deepest condolences from us, at Daylight Films.
Wouter, Ik had nog Indisch willen koken voor je en een meisjesavond bij mij thuis organiseren. En met wie ga ik nou stappen en uit eten de volgende keer dat ik in Hongkong ben ? Ik ga je zo ontzettend missen. Slaap zacht, je bent veel te vroeg van ons weggegaan.
My condolences to Wouters friends and family... Best, Julie Kroll
Ellen Pittleman
Wouter was one of the most gracious, kind and generous people one would meet in the world. He truely cared about so many and showed it as well that it's a tremendous loss for us all. He will always be in my thoughts.
Bonnie Voland
To Wouter's family and friends: As devastated as I feel, I can only imagine how difficult this is for those of you who were so close to Wouter. You always think there will be more time, another moment, another opportunity to talk to those you care about. I never thought as we stood talking and laughing at the Grand last May that would be the last Cannes where Wouter would lift a glass and share his opinions in his inimitable way. I admired his taste, his humor, his sense of style, but above all of his wonderful gifts and attributes, it was his sense of humanity that shone through everything he did, to everyone who knew him. I was only an acquaintance, but with each festival we got to know each other a little more, and in those moments when one felt alone amidst the traveling circus that is our business, seeing Wouter walking your way, with that wonderful smile, could remind you that you weren’t alone, that what we do is a great way to spend a life, and make you feel optimistic once again. I somehow knew that despite the shroud of pessimism that the indie side of the film business has been cloaked in lately, Wouter would keep things going until they got better, would influence and inspire filmmakers, producers, exhibitors, programmers, and all of us who care about not only our world, but the wider world, to keep doing what we do, to try to make things better in our own way of contributing. He is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed. We will honor him by not giving up on his vision, by making the hard choices - which he made seem easy - to support those who the wider world overlooks or marginalizes, to love films and what we do to get them out to more and people, to share Wouter’s humanity as widely as we can. Au revoir, Wouter…
Frank L. Stavik
A great loss, a devoted and passionate friend and colleague is not around anymore.. The world is a sadder place without you, Wouter!
Jim Jarmusch, Sara Driver, Stacey Smith & Carter Logan
We are stunned and deeply saddened by the loss of Wouter. He was a shining light of inspiration in the world of filmmaking, and a remarkable and wonderful man in every way. It is difficult to imagine continuing without his guidance, his enthusiasm and his vast knowledge. We will carry Wouter in our hearts, and we send our thoughts and sympathy to all who loved him as we do.
Mark Gooder
Cannes will not be the same this year without Wouter. Everyone at Icon is saddened by the news and our thoughts go out to his family and friends all over the globe. Nice photo! That's the Wouter we will always remember.
Renee Soutendijk
Dear Wouter , "We'll meet again , don't know where , don't know when....." I will sherish all sweet memories , and it was a great pleasure to have known you , love Renee.
esther van messel
wouterchen toch, hoe kan dat nou? net nog gemaild... je was en blijft een inspiratie
Roel Van Bambost
Dear Wouter, Beste vriend, You will always be rememvered by all those who met you in the course of your life. We will cherish the thoughts on cinema you had and your enthousiasm. We will miss you.
Valentina Mandozzi
On behalf of all our team at Minerva Pictures, we are terribly sorry to hear about the loss of Wouter Barendrecht. All our deepest condolescences go to his family, friends and all the people who've been so lucky to work with him.
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